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The new way to develop iOS apps with the Flutter vs the Native iOS development

In the current scenario, the competition in the app development world is reaching great heights. For the development community, there is a constant urge to cut costs, optimize time, produce more and deliver quality services and apps. This is where Flutter comes.

A Google’s produce, Flutter is an open source SDK where a single codebase can be utilized for the app development on both the Android and iOS platforms. Flutter emerges React Native in the initial stage which is widely accepted these days.
Other than that, Flutter provides the user with a full hold of the native attributes. This is the main reason why the leading megacorps are fully seizing this reliable platform for iOS and Android app development.
iOS developers and the iOS development companies are quickly accepting this new tool for the cross-platform app development.


Many of the iOS developers are fed up with the native iOS development toolkit. It is always advisable to look for something new and interesting in the development which makes the work enjoyable. Flutter is for those who wish to enjoy the work they do and endeavor to gain maximum efficiency in the development at one go.
Have yourself go through the below mentioned points and we are sure you will be embracing the new cross-platform app development in no time.
  1. Development in an Instant: Flutter embodies Dart as the programming language. The flexible scripting languages are handy as compared to the traditional compilers. Dart elaborates into interpreted and compiled states. With an exceptional reload feature in the interpreted mode and the compiling of the app down to its native coding in the compiled mode, Dart makes Flutter an incomparable encounter for the mobile app developers and an overall pleasant experience.
  2. Streamlined Formation: The major point which separates native iOS development and Flutter is that the latter is open-source whereas the native development was kept covert by Apple.
Another point of distinction between the two is where the iOS developers usually use Xcode for the app development, Android Studio, Atom or Sublime Text, IntelliJ Idea and few more are used for the development of the Flutter apps.
Dart itself is fully featured and doesn’t need the native codes. In addition, a great widget library, quick typing, and many more features will help you choose efficient and effective between Flutter and native iOS development. Also, every need is going to be fulfilled for the native app development for iOS in Flutter.
3. Enhancing the Efficiency of Developers: The most important part of this open source cross-platform app development tool is its Hot Reload function. This saves the time and effort which would rather be wasted in the recompilation of the code. The hot reload function let the developer preview the changes immediately after making it in the code.
Due to the hot reload function, the developers can easily make changes in the apps and can design and experiment with it creatively.
4. Great CI/CD Support and Testing Assistance: The fast delivery of the native iOS app is made possible due to the continuous integration and continuous delivery methods. Buddy build is acquired by Apple to do so for the iOS apps. But the native app would be necessary for the near future. Currently, the iOS developers mix Fastlane and Jenkins for their internal tasks or outsource them to other cloud companies.
On the contrary, Flutter has tied up with the Nevercode for the Codemagic CI/CD solution where it develops, tests, detects and packs the app developed without the requirement of a configuration.
5. Widget Concept: the native development UIKit offers generous support for the required features. Flutter has something new and different. The system of widgets.
Whether you want to create a minimalistic UI or the most complex one, it will be done efficiently in the utilization of these widgets. Cupertino and Material Design are fully compatible with the system. These widgets are not just fully flexible but also easy to use.

The Final Choice

It is understood that Flutter is the new big thing in the era of cross-platform app development and will be a huge success. It’s very good for the startups who spend less on the development and need the app developed in a short span of time. The decision when you compare both the native app development and Flutter development, the upper hand depends upon certain criteria like cost, time, etc.
Concetto Labs is an Indian mobile app development company who works on both the platforms of iOS app development and Flutter app development. You can Hire Flutter app developer and iOS app developer from us.


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